If you had to work on this project individually, you would already have started working. You don't have to wait for your team to get started. Look at the kinds of information you need to research and then do a Google Search. Try combinations of the following keywords: podcast, podcasting, elementary, education, classroom, definition, advantages, disadvantages,
Check out these links
Apple in Education: Ready. Set. Podcast
Find Education Podcasts
elementary education Podcasts
Podcast179: Podcasting in the Elementary Classroom – A Conversation on EdTechTalk
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Digital Gadgets & Podcasting
The Education Podcast Network
Podcasting in Education | PoducateMe
Educational Podcasting
There's Something in the Air: Podcasting in Education
Guides and Tutorials: Podcasting in Education
Sites to See: Education World has compiled the Web's latest and greatest podcasting resources to help you get started with this exciting and doable technology. Includes How-to articles, lesson ideas, free and fee-based software download sites, and much more!
You might want to move some of above resources to Classroom Resources if you think they are appropriate.
Check out the resources in our course also--multimedia folder.
Sites for Accessing Podcasts: Don't just provide a list--give a short annotation about what readers will find at each site. You want to categorize what kind of sites these are.
Podcasting Resources (developing own podcasts) What kind of equipment you might need, any special software for editing... Are there any tutorials or YouTube videos you could share here?
Phonecasting is a new way of recording your podcasts. You might discuss this method also.
Sites for Sharing/Uploading Podcasts: Don't just provide a list--provide information about costs, ease of use, whether has educational pricing...
Advantages: related to using them in education
Disadvantages: related to using them in education--might be technology issues, classroom management issues...
Examples of Classroom Uses: This would be a good place to include a video or two as examples
Resources for Classroom Use:
Learning Connections articles from Learning and Leading with Technology, 2008.
Richardson, W. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. 2009. Print.
Need to include reference information for the sources accessed and used in the article. They need to be actually cited in the body of the article; they aren't just the resources accessed. The Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines require that you cite the quotations, summaries, paraphrases, and other material used from sources (i.e. information not considered common knowledge) within parentheses typically placed at the end of the sentence in which the quoted or paraphrased material appears. The in-text citations refer the reader to the full bibliographic information in the References/Works Cited area. You can also introduce your sources with something like, According to...or John Smith states...This is especially important if you have more than one source for information in the same paragraph.
Check this website for examples of in-text citations: http://library.duke.edu/research/citing/within/mla.html
I provided the link to Valencia College's webpage on citing electronic sources previously: http://www.valenciacc.edu/library/doc_mla_electronic.cfm
Comments (1)
Gayla S. Keesee said
at 3:11 pm on Feb 7, 2011
Since I feel that the process is most important at this point, I am willing to allow this group to continue (start) working on adding and revising the information on this page--unless you feel this is the best you can do. I will give you one more week to complete the project. Let me know today if you accept the assignment and how you suggest that this group could accomplish its goals more effectively. I don't want to see that you are communicating via E-mail or or phone since I am out of the loop then.
This is first, a research project and second, a group project. As I have said before, if you were assigned this research project to complete on your own, what you have done? I don't see that anyone has done much research at all. I even provided some links to get you started. I also suggested that you could create a discussions page. You and your group members could use this page to communicate/add resources before putting items onto the final product page. See how the Blogs and Educational Games groups used their discussion pages. You will need to check your e-mail often for notifications so you can keep up with what's being done.
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