Subject area |
Specify the subject area(s) and level(s) for which the unit is designed. |
Unit/module name |
What is the name of the unit of instruction? Names are important. A good title will be referred to, serve as an anchor, and remind. A poor title can confuse learners or muddy the faculty member's intentions. |
Unit or module goals |
Unit goals are medium range goals. What are the goals for this unit of instruction? What specific lesson or activity goals fit into this unit? Think about units as one flight of stairs in a larger staircase. How many steps are there in this particular flight? |
Specific ways to relate goal(s) to curriculum |
Characteristics of the students |
Are they adult learners? Are they traditional age learners? What are their home/job lives like? What are their learning styles? What about disabilities? |
Describe how the unit goals relate to the team/department, system and state frameworks?
Introductory procedures |
How will you introduce the unit and the goals to the students? List these procedures. |
Materials /media |
Identify the software, web sites, other materials and/or media needed to teach this material. |
Assessment |
Identify the methods that the teacher will use to assess learning (formative and summative). |
Evaluation |
Review success and challenges for future training, education, and learning. |
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