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Saved by Gayla S. Keesee
on November 2, 2010 at 10:02:53 am

Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Resources wiki. A wiki is a special kind of web page that allows users to freely create and edit its content using any web browser and without any special software. It can be a tool for composition, for discussion, and for collaboration. The most famous wiki is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia created by users from around the globe. This wiki is designed to be a "toolkit" of online information and resources for educators.

Why set up a wiki in the first place? 

Well, in terms of use with colleagues:

  • To create a common document that can be easily edited by a number of people

  • To encourage collaboration

  • To document ideas and activities which would either remain static or ephemeral 

And for students:

  • To develop teamwork and collaborative skills

  • To have a place to demonstrate what they have learned

  • To help them to gain an understanding of the changing nature of knowledge

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