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e-books, Wikibooks

Page history last edited by Gayla S. Keesee 15 years, 8 months ago

E-book stands for electronic book. Words that are usually printed on paper medium are now available on screens that can be read off the computer or laptop, handhelds or PDAs and also some special ebook devices.


Wikibooks is a Wikimedia community for creating a free library of educational textbooks that anyone can edit. Wikibooks began on July 10, 2003; since then Wikibooks has grown to include over 33,368 pages in a multitude of textbooks created by volunteers.


Initiated in early 2006, the Global Text Project engages the collective intelligence of academics and practitioners in making high-quality,  editorially-reviewed texts  available under a Creative Commons license.  Books can be tailored for the needs of individual countries, or communities. They will be continually updated by their creators and, importantly, by the community of academics and students that use them.



Project Gutenberg:

More than 20,000 FREE ebooks & more than 2 million ebooks downloads each month!

Free e-books Directory

144 Tips on Synchronous e-Learning: Strategy + Research

The eLearning Guild conducted a survey of its members, asking for their favorite tips relating to strategies for effectively creating, managing, and using synchronous e-Learning. Members could submit tips relating to any or all of five different categories. As is usual in our past surveys, the tips range in length from one-sentence ideas all the way up to multi-page discourses. You will find tips in these categories... 

  • Blending Synchronous Learning with Other Learning Modalities
  • Designers of Synchronous Presentations, Courses, and Webinars
  • Managers Who Lead Synchronous Learning Efforts
  • Synchronous Speakers and Instructors
  • Technical Production, Planning, and Preparation

Handbook on Synchronous e-Learning

The eLearning Guild’s Handbook on Synchronous e-Learning is intended for anyone who wants to produce, lead, or promote live, interactive learning events on the Web. Novices will find information on what other people are doing in this medium, which kinds of training and education are best suited to it, how to convert existing classroom content for delivery online, how to lead effective and compelling live learning events on the Web, and how to promote these events to obtain maximum participation. More experienced practitioners will find a wealth of ideas that they can use to improve or enhance their current processes. All readers will find job aids, references, examples, and information to significantly reduce the amount of time required to produce online learning events.

834 Tips for Successful Online Instruction

This FREE Digital Book, 834 Tips for Successful Online Instruction is an amazing collection of tips from 336 of your professional colleagues. Nowhere will you find a more comprehensive set of tips that you can use to improve your knowledge and skills in online instruction.

Growing Through Our Past into the Future: Journeys of Educators on the Path to Cultural Competence

Editor: Marla Zimmerman, MA, LCSW, LMFT(IUPUI)

View Entire Book (SWF)

Download Entire Book (PDF)

Multicultural Online Resource Guide: the IUPUI Resource Guide for the Multicultural Classroom!


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