

Page history last edited by Gayla S. Keesee 16 years, 3 months ago

There are numerous instructional design models from which to choose; the model presented here is based loosely upon the principles of the ADDIE model. ADDIE is a systematic approach to course design that stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.  For a more in-depth review of using ADDIE in the course design process, click here.



During analysis, we identify the learners' needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics.  We need to define our goals and objectives.  Analysis also considers the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery options, and the timeline for the course. 



In this phase, it is important to determine the best means for accomplishing the specified objectives--what we want to accomplish.  We know we want to influence values, attitudes, sensitivities, and feelings as well as knowledge, reflective thinking, and skills.  This is where we look at various strategies--discussion boards, group projects, readings, lecture, technology, etc.--the most appropriate delivery method(s).  To use technology or not--and what kinds of technology must be considered.



The actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based occurs during the design phase. This includes creating (or downloading) the syllabus, handouts, annotated links, student handouts, visual presentation materials, and other reference resources.



During implementation, the course is put into action.  Materials are delivered or distributed to the students. After delivery, it's effectiveness is evaluated.



The Evaluation phase is both formative and summative. It should not consist only of an end-of-course assessment. Instead, it should be considered throughout, thereby enabling continuous improvement of the course.

The most well-known evaluation theory is Kirkpatrick's (1994) four levels of evaluation including:

1) reaction (how did learners perceive the program),

2) learning (what attitudes, skills, or knowledge did learners acquire)

3) behavior (what behavior change occurred on the job, in life activities, etc.)

4) results (what "business" impacts resulted from the learning). 


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